Alright. You have come to the point where you have to choose an Instagram username. Whether it’s for a new Instagram account or an existing account, which you want to rebrand. Both are possible & it might not be easy to choose one. Nowadays, lots of Instagram usernames are already taken by other users. Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, which is probably why you can’t find a good username to take. So you’re looking for inspiration, right?
An Instagram username can be crucial for the branding of an Instagram profile. If you want to be successful on Instagram, a good handle is important. On this page, we will give you 5 tips for a good username.
5 Tips for choosing a good username
Let’s start by saying that a ‘good username’, has a different definition for anyone. Some people want a catchy username, which is easy to remember. And some want a username that describes the account’s content. Anyway, we provide you 5 tips for choosing a username on Instagram.
Write down all words that are related your niche
For example, if you’re planning to post food-related content; food, nutrition, cooking, restaurant, eat, eating, etc. If you’re focussing on a specific niche within food, you could use: vegan, healthy food, burgers, pizza, etc. Besides the fact those usernames are easy to remember for people, it will also make your username show up earlier on the top search results. You’ll be noticed earlier.
Pick your favorite word & combine it with something catchy or personal
If you’re going to post food made by yourself, you could mix it with your own name & choose @cookingbyemma. Looking for something catchy? Mix it up with words, such as “world, native, land, house, life, fetch, and party”.
Pick a username with an infinite lifespan
The last thing you want is to have a username that you’ll have to change later. That’s bad for different reasons. Make sure you choose a username that you don’t want to change later.
Research similar accounts
Do your own research on Instagram. Use the search function and browse Instagram accounts. But please only use it as inspiration, don’t copy a username without any significant differences. You want to be unique & create your own identity!
There are some absolute don’ts when choosing an Instagram username. Try to avoid using numbers, random letters, and characters such as “_”, “-“, “.”, etc. That will make your username less special & harder to search for people. You want your username to be easy to find. Using such characters will make your username less findable. learn more.
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